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《灵界经历》 第1550节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1550

1550. They spoke about fires, saying that they were able to make liquid fires. 1748, 19 March.

1550. 1/2. A spirit of Mars present with me as a medium for others drew back the upper front part of my head toward the occiput, signifying in this way that with them, the thought pertains not to their cerebrum or voluntary part, but goes back to their natural character, as if to the cerebellum, so that they act not of their own will, but from fear of the Lord. He drew back that part in such a way that he almost [drew back] the body as well. 1748, 25 Sept.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1550

1550. (They spoke of fires, saying that they know how to make fluid fires. -1749, March 19.)

1550 1/2. (One of the spirits of Mars who was with me, and who was a subject of others, drew back the superior frontal part of my head towards the back part, signifying thus the character of their thought, that it was not so much of the cerebrum as of the [cerebellum or] will, implying, however, that they act not from their own will, but from the fear of the Lord. Accordingly this drawing back of the head, and indeed of the whole body, took place. - 1748, September 25.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1550 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1550. De ignibus loquuti sunt, quod facere possint ignes fluidos. 1748, 19 Martius.

1550a. Spiritus Martis apud me subjectu aliorum, retraxit partem capitis superiorem anteriorem versus occiput, significans quod sic apud eos cogitatio sit, non eorum cerebri, seu voluntatis, sed ad indolem retracta ut ad cerebellum, ut non ex voluntate sua, sed ex metu Domini agant; retrahebat ita, ut fere corpus quoque. 1748, 25 Sept.

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