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《灵界经历》 第1552节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1552

1552. I was in a vision, having spoken with spirits, some of whom were saying they wanted to keep me in their company. After some time had passed, I was in the company of guardian spirits, or heavenly spirits, having now disappeared from those with whom I had been before, who were spiritual. Now they did not know where I had slipped away to. They were looking for me, saying they did not know where I was. For I was in the company of guardian spirits, and in this circumstance one seems to disappear, even though I was nearby and heard them speaking and asking after me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1552

1552. Being in vision I spoke with spirits, of whom some said they wished to have me in their company. Accordingly, after some little delay I was in consort with genii or celestial spirits, and I then disappeared from the spiritual with whom I had previously been. These, not knowing whither I had withdrawn, sought me, saying that they knew not where I was. I was in fact in company with the genii, and while in that state they [the spiritual] seemed to disappear, although I was near by, and heard them speaking, and seeking me.

Experientiae Spirituales 1552 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1552. In visione eram, loquutus cum spiritibus, quorum quidam dicebant, quod me habere vellent in eorum consortio: post aliquam moram temporis, eram in consortio geniorum seu spirituum coelestium, et tunc disparui iis, cum quibus prius eram, qui erant spirituales, hi tunc non sciebant, ubinam elapsus, me quaerebant, dicentes, quod nescirent ubi essem, nam eram in consortio geniorum, et tunc videntur {a} disparere, tametsi prope eram, et audiebam eos loquentes, et quaerentes me.

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