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《灵界经历》 第1553节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1553

1553. Therefore, when I disappeared, they were thinking at the time (as they are thinking now) that I had fallen into a pit. When they looked for me in the pit, they let down a pole hanging crosswise on a rope, and they think that on pulling this up, I would be standing on that pole and thus be pulled out. I saw them pulling out the pole, and because no one was standing on it, they said he was not there, searching anxiously to find where I was. At that time they were in their own symbolic displays, as if in sleep, because not living in company with me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1553

1553. When I thus disappeared from sight, they supposed [as is usual with them] that I had fallen into a pit, and when they sought me there they let down a pole suspended crosswise from a rope, supposing that when they withdrew it the person who was to be drawn up would be found sitting upon the pole; but as there was no one seen in this case sitting in that position, they said that he was not there, seeking solicitously in the meantime to find where I was. They were then in their representatives, which were like dreams, because not in the life of fellowship with me.

Experientiae Spirituales 1553 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1553. Cum itaque disparui, tunc putabant, (sicut putant), me in puteum delapsum esse, cumque me quaererent in puteo, demiserunt contum transversum, pendentem e fune, quem extrahentes putant, quod insisteret 1

conto isto et sic extrahendus; vidi contum quod extraherent, sed quia nullus insistebat, dicebant, quod ibi non esset 1

, quaerentes sollicite ubi essem, erant tunc in suis repraesentationibus, sicut somni, quia non in consortii mecum vita.


1. sic manuscript

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