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《灵界经历》 第1569节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1569

1569. Spirits who constitute the province of the little skin glands

There are spirits who, when they want to ascertain something, say that it is such, others that it is so, one after the other. And then too, while they are speaking, they watch to see whether what they are saying is flowing freely, without any slowing down or spiritual resistance, and when it is, they consider that it is true.

This is a familiar phenomenon with some kinds of spirits, that is, of speaking as if they were sure, when yet it is not true, and they are not sure. Meanwhile, others [are speaking] not so positively, but observing, as said, whether any spiritual element not in agreement is present, causing the speaking not to flow. Because of this, they guess and declare, that the matter is not true. When it is flowing, then they think that it is from heaven, or from the Lord, because there is nothing there that is out of place, but all is harmonious.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1569


There are spirits who, while they wish to know anything, say some that it is thus, others that it is thus, and so one after another, and while they are speaking they observe whether what they say flows freely, without any check or spiritual resistance, in which case they take it for granted that their views are correct. This is a common occurrence with certain classes of spirits, to wit, speaking as if they knew, when yet the fact is not so, nor do they know how it is. Others, again, do not take such positive ground, but observe, as was said, whether there is any spiritual repugnance, and thus an obstruction in the flow, from which they conjecture, and say that it is not so; for while it flows freely they suppose that it is of course from heaven or the Lord, inasmuch as there is nothing there which is contrarious, but all is accordant.

Experientiae Spirituales 1569 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1569. Spiritus qui constituunt proviciam glandularum cutanearum

Sunt spiritus, qui dum aliquid scire volunt, dicunt quod ita sit, alii quod ita, sic unus post alterum, et quidem dum loquuntur, observant, num id quod dicunt fluat libere, absque aliqua retardatione seu spirituali renisu, quod dum fit, putant quod ita sit; familiare hoc est in spirituum quibusdam generibus, loquendo quasi scirent, et tamen non ita est, nec sciunt, alii autem non ita affirmative, sed observant, ut dictum, num aliquid spirituale non conveniens est, et sic non fluat, inde conjectant et dicunt, quod non ita sit, nam dum fluit, cogitant, quod sic a coelo seu Domino sit, quia nihil est quod alienum ibi, quin 1



1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition quia

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