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《灵界经历》 第1574节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1574

1574. When I asked what this meant, I was told that people who had overzealously devoted themselves in the life of the body to household chores occupy little dwellings like this, and remain engrossed in their domestic concerns. Indeed, very many of them are from among the common people, exemplified by old women who, even though they are not their responsibility, take those chores upon themselves, neglecting, like Martha, the better things, such as matters of faith [Luke 10:38-42].

1574. 1/2. They appear small because they are quite deep down, and ugly because such are the chores.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1574

1574. Upon my inquiring the meaning of these things it was replied that such as were excessively devoted to domestic cares in the life of the body occupied this kind of habitations, and that they still remain engrossed by their (wonted) cares. It was also said that they are, for the most part, from the inferior classes of the people, consisting often of old women, who, although these cares do not pertain to them, yet still assume them, neglecting, like Martha, the better things, such as pertain to faith.

1574 1/2. They appear small from being in a low place, and deformed because such [is the effect of] the cares.

Experientiae Spirituales 1574 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1574. Cumque quaererem quid haec sint, dictum est, quod tales qui curis domesticis, quam studiosissime invigilarunt in vita corporis, habitacula talia habeant, et quod in curis suis sint: et quidem quod plerique ex inferiore plebe sint, sicut anus, quae, tametsi curae non ad eas pertinent, usque sibi eas capiant, nec quae meliora sunt, curant, sicut quae sunt fidei, sicut Martha [Luc. X: 38-42].

1574a. Paavae apparent, quia profunde satis, et deformes, quia tales curae.

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