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《灵界经历》 第1585节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1585

1585. Nor should this be any surprise, seeing that a wise and observant person will discern from another's face, speaking and actions, what he or she is like-whether pretending, or sincere, and many more qualities that reveal themselves to one's inner sensation. How much more perfectly would these not appear to spirits, who possess a much more excellent power of discernment than man, and to whom it is at once obvious what another spirit is like! In fact, they see it from his unspeaking presence alone, and still more thereafter, when he speaks. Seeing what a spirit is like from his presence alone, I have often experienced.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1585

1585. (Nor need this appear wonderful when a shrewd and, intelligent man is aware from the face, speech, and actions of another of what quality he is, whether stimulated or sincere, and many other things, which are manifest to a man's internal sense. How much more perfect then must this power be with spirits, whose faculty of perceiving things of this kind so far transcends that of men, and with whom the quality of another spirit is at once revealed even from his mute presence alone, and much more from his speech. The manifestation which is from presence only I have often perceived.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1585 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1585. Nec hoc mirum esse potest, cum homo prudens et perspicax simile noverit ex facie, loquela, et actibus alius hominis, qualis sit, num simulatum, num genuinum, et plura, quae se manifestant hominis sensui interno; quid non perfectius spiritibus, qui facultatem talia percipiendi excellentiorem multo habeant, quam homines, apud quos illico constare potest, qualis alter spiritus est! imo quoque ex sola praesentia muta, et magis dein ex loquela; quod ex sola praesentia, hoc saepius percepi.

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