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《灵界经历》 第162节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 162

162. What also seemed amazing to me was that I have gotten to know places like these, where I even spoke with them, and have been able to speak with them again as if they were present, although I was a hundred miles away, for distance amounts to nothing; but this happens only insofar as God the Messiah grants it.

About this fact I have spoken from time to time with spirits, and have proven it to them by means of human sight, which likewise sees objects at a very great distance apart from distance, like the Sun, Moon, stars. So why should there not be communication with spirits, who are on a deeper plane than that grosser nature where the sight [of the eye] is?

So there is communication of even the most distant angels and spirits with humanity. Their being present with me was a sensory illusion; for something like a presence results when spirits are taking part in someone's thought, that is, those spirits who as intermediates and from closest by are to help carry out the matters which God the Messiah wills and permits to be done. These [words were written] on the 24th day of August, 1747 (old calendar).

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 162

162. It also seemed remarkable to me that similar places became known to me, where I also talked with them, and that later, although I was a hundred miles distant, I could converse with them as if they were present, for distance is of no account; but this was only when it was granted by God Messiah. I have sometimes spoken with spirits about this, and I have demonstrated it by human sight which, in like manner, sees very distant objects as not distant, like the sun, the moon, the stars. What, then, must be communication with spirits who are within that grosser nature in which is sight! In this way there is communication of angels and spirits with man, even at the greatest distance. The presence of those spirits with me was a fallacy of the sense, for presence is simulated when the spirits are akin to man's thought, namely, those spirits who mediately and proximately are to administer the things which God Messiah wills and permits. These things (occurred) 1747, Aug. 24, o.s.

Experientiae Spirituales 162 (original Latin 1748-1764)

162. Quod etiam mirabile mihi visum est, erat, quod similia loca mihi nota facta sunt, ubi etiam cum iis loquutus, et quod iterum cum iis, quamvis centum milliaribus distarem loqui potuissem, quasi cum praesentibus, sed tantummodo id concedente Deo Messia, nam distantia nihil facit, de qua re aliquoties cum spiritibus loquutus sum, ac per visum humanum demonstravi, qui similiter ad maximam distantiam videt objecta absque distantia, sicut Solem Lunam, stellas, et quid non communicatio cum spiritibus, qui sunt intra naturam illam crassiorem, in qua est visus? Hoc 1

modo communicatio datur angelorum et spirituum etiam maxime distantium cum homine, praesentia eorum apud me, erat fallacia sensus, nam praesentia simulatur quum spiritus affines sunt cogitationi hominis, qui nempe mediate et proxime administraturi sunt ea quae Deus Messias vult et permittit. Haec 1747, die 24 Aug. st. vet.


1. The Manuscript has visus. Hoc

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