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《灵界经历》 第1620节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1620

1620. The spirits, indignant because they were being compelled, as said before [1612], also wanted to be in heaven, where they strive to be. But when brought into heaven, they said that they knew nothing, being absorbed in a general mental image, and consequently [heaven] speaks through them as if separately from them. It was the same earlier, when I was absorbed in a general mental image [1562], and the speaking, which I heard, was within the general idea, from others, not from myself. This was the case also with these spirits when they were admitted into heaven, as they said, and as they are now affirming.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1620

1620. The spirits who were acted upon, as mentioned above, were indignant [at being thus made use of]. It was, moreover, an object of special aspiration with them to be in heaven, but when conveyed thither they said that they knew nothing, for they were in a general idea, and thus speech is uttered through them, but as it were apart from them, in like manner as it was previously with me, when I was in a general idea, and there was a speech within that idea which I perceived as emanating from others, and not from myself. Thus also the spirits round about, when admitted into heaven, say that the fact is, and even now affirm it.

Experientiae Spirituales 1620 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1620. Spiritus, quia agebantur, ut dictum [1612], indignati, volebant quoque in coelo esse, quod ambiunt, at in coelum illati, dicebant quod nihil scirent, nam in idea communi sunt sic loquitur [coelum] per eos sicut separatim ab iis, similiter ac prius ego [1562], quum eram in idea communi loquela erat intra eam, ab aliis, quam percepi, non a me: ita circiter quoque spiritus cum admissi sunt in coelum, ita dixerunt ita affirmant nunc.

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