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《灵界经历》 第1629节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1629

1629. Later I was shown how those spirits operate who try to believe and to be angels on their own power, and how their belief and effort appears in a spiritual mental image. There was one choir which in its whirling movements simulated [angelic] gyres and with-in the gyres, the praising of the Lord as if they were angels. I did not understand them, but others did, who said that this was all simulated, and not angelic, because they did not have true belief.

In my mental image it appeared to me as if composed of close threads, or a kind of net, whose webbing was so tight that nothing showed beyond the simple mental images of the words, in which there was no content. So the ideas did not go beyond the words, thus not beyond the praises depicted, which the words by themselves express. The words were thus closed to inward and more inward qualities because they were leading themselves, and were thus trying to praise the Lord from their own power. This net appeared white, because while these portrayals were certainly truths, they also symbolized self-righteousness.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1629

1629. I was afterwards shown the mode in which they operate who would believe from themselves, and become angels, as also what is the quality of their faith and endeavor, as it appears to a spiritual idea. There was a certain choir which in its own gyral movements simulated [angelic] gyres, and celebrated in gyres the praises of the Lord, as if they were angels. [The nature of these gyres] was not understood by me, but it was by others, who said that the whole was simulated, and was not angelic, because those concerned in it were not in true faith. In idea, it appeared to me like something composed of close threads, or like a kind of net of which the thread-work was so closed up that there was no opening any farther than to the mere simple ideas of the words, within which there was nothing [substantial], so that the ideas did not go beyond the words, and consequently, not beyond the representations or celebrations which the bare words expressed. So entire was the closure as to interiors and intimates, because they led themselves, and from themselves would fain celebrate the Lord. This net appeared as if white, inasmuch as there were truths involved, but they still implied self-justification.

Experientiae Spirituales 1629 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1629. Postea mihi ostensum est, quomodo operantur ii, qui volunt ex semet credere, et angeli esse, et qualis eorum fides et conatus apparet idea spirituali. Erat quidam chorus, qui ita suis gyris simulabat gyros, et in gyris, celebrationes Domini, sicut essent angeli, a me non intellecti, sed ab aliis, qui dicebant, quod omne id simulatum esset, nec angelicum, quia non in vera fide; mihi apparebat in idea, id quasi constans filis clausis, seu reti quodam, cujus fila essent clausa, sic ut non ulterius pateret, quam solum ad ideas simplices vocum, in quibus nihil intus, sic ut ideae non irent ultra voces, proinde non ultra repraesentationes seu celebrationes, quas solae voces inducunt, ita clausae erant quoad interiora, ac intimiora, quia ducebant semet, et sic ex semet Dominum volebant celebrare; rete hoc apparuit sicut album; tam quod veritates quidem essent, sed quod justificationem sui quoque significarent.

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