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《灵界经历》 第165节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 165

165. The conditions of spirits are many, and they will be discussed elsewhere if God the sees fit. Here only these two states ought to be mentioned:

[1] That in which very many together constitute one form, and act conjointly, as though they were one person; and likewise then speak as one. Thus do the angels portray the kingdom of God the Messiah in its least form. I have been allowed from time to time to see this and even, clearly, the activity of their [collective] form.

[2] Then there is the other state, in which they are removed from people on earth and are consequently in a dream-like condition, like the state of a person asleep. 1747, the 24th 1day of August.


1. The manuscript has the 2nd.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 165

165. There are many states of spirits (concerning which, God Messiah deeming proper, elsewhere). Two only are to be mentioned here, namely, that very many together constitute one form and act conjointly as if they were a one, and they likewise then speak as one; the angels thus represent the Kingdom of God Messiah in its least form. It has sometimes been granted me to perceive this, and also distinctly to perceive the activity of their form. There is also another state, when they are removed from man, and thus in a representative state, such as is the state of man in sleep. 1747, Aug. 2. 1


1. Apparently a slip for 24.

Experientiae Spirituales 165 (original Latin 1748-1764)

165. Plures sunt status spirituum, de quibus, dignante Deo Messia, alibi, hi bini solum hic recensendi sunt, nempe quod perplures simul unam formam constituant, et agant conjunctim, sicut unus esset, similiter 1

tunc ut unus loquuntur; angeli sic repraesentant Regnum Dei Messiae 2

in minima forma; hoc aliquoties percipere mihi datum est, et quidem distincte eorum formae activitatem: status etiam alius est, quod removeantur ab hominibus, et sic in statu repraesentativo sunt, qualis est status hominis in somno. 1747, d. 2 3



1. The Manuscript has similitur

2. The Manuscript has Messia

3. sic manuscript forte pro 24

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