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《灵界经历》 第164节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 164

164. About the usual state of spirits when they are with people on earth

I have sometimes pondered what the state of spirits was like when they are together with a person living an everyday life; for even I have doubted at times that there were spirits and angels around people as they are with me, for the simple reason that I did not sense them, being persuaded also by the commonplace reason that I did not see them.

And indeed I noticed that usually, their state when left to themselves, as they are when the person [they are with] is sleeping, was dream-like in various ways, whereas when the person was awake, it altered, but still differing entirely from their state when with me spoken of elsewhere [207]: I mean that when some person was speaking or interacting with me, they were instrumental means, in such a way that they were not aware of what they heard or saw, as they admitted. Immediately after the verbal exchange, when I reflected inwardly into my spirit, then they seemed to come to themselves, and to realize that they were lives by themselves, separate and separable from people.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 164


I have sometimes considered what the state of the spirits around man is like when he lives the ordinary life; for I have even doubted at times whether there were spirits and angels with man as they are with me, solely for the reason that they were not perceived, and also owing to the general circumstance that they were not seen. And I have indeed observed that their state when left to themselves, as when man is asleep, was of a different nature and was a variously representative one; but when the man is awake, it was different. Nevertheless, it differed entirely from their state when with me, (concerning which some other time, [n. 207); namely, that when a man was speaking and doing something with me, spirits were the instrumental cause, in such a way that they did not know what they then heard or saw, as they confessed. Immediately after my interaction by speech, when there was reflection from me to the spirits, they then returned to themselves, as it were, and perceived that they were lives by themselves, separate and separable from man.

Experientiae Spirituales 164 (original Latin 1748-1764)

164. De statu spirituum cum hominibus communi

Aliquoties pensitavi, qualis status spirituum esset cum homine, cum vitam communem vivit, nam et ego aliquoties dubitavi, quod circa hominem spiritus et angeli essent sicut apud me, ex sola causa, quod non perciperentur, inductus etiam ex ea causa communi, quod non viderentur; et quidem observavi, quod alioquin status eorum sibi relictorum, ut dum dormit homo, esset varie repraesentativus, sed in vigilia hominis, quod alius esset, sed tamen plane differret a statu eorum apud me, de quo alias [207]; nempe quod loquente agente homine mecum instrumentales causae essent, sic ut nesciverint, quid tunc audiverint vel viderint, sicut fassi sunt; illico post commercium loquelae, cum a me reflecteretur in spiritum, tunc quasi se redibant percipiebant, quod vitae per se essent, separati separabiles ab homine.

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