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《灵界经历》 第166节

(一滴水译本 2020--)



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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 166

166. A demonstration of the effect of envy with the evil, or the hellish gang, when they see the happiness of the blessed

After a troubled sleep, near first awakening, there was shown a vision, so lovely - of green, laurel-like wreathes wound together in a long, double strand with space between them, in a most beautiful arrangement, being linked together and at the same time free to move - that the vision cannot be adequately described on account of its beauty and the feeling of blessedness streaming forth from harmony. The vision was quite visible even to evil spirits.

There followed afterwards another vision, even more beautiful and, as I may surmise, most especially lovely because joined with heavenly happiness; but it was not more than rather obscurely visible. There were little children playing heavenly games that no words can describe. These things were exceedingly touching, but they could not be clearly observable and perceptible except to angels in the innermost regions. These things [I saw] in a state of wakefulness.

Afterwards I spoke about these visions with the spirits, who admitted that they too, like myself, had seen the first vision clearly, but not the second, which they also intensely wished that they had seen. As a result, an indignation rose up in them and gradually after that, envy; and this their envy I was also allowed to perceive by feeling it, so that nothing would escape me that might be educational. Their envy was such as to cause them not only extreme annoyance, but even very deep grief, for the simple reason that they had not seen that second vision clearly like the former one. Afterwards they were led along by different kinds of envy, until they seemed to ache at heart, as the saying goes.

While they were in that state, I spoke about their envy and said among other things, that they could be content because they had seen the first vision, and that they would have been able to see the second one also, if only they had been of upright character. This caused more anger, which in turn increased the envy, to the point where they afterwards could not bear even the recollection of it without being stricken with grief.

I am unable to describe the changes that occurred, one after the other, for the purpose of actually showing what kind of envy, and consequent grief, is in store for the wicked; nor can their torments from that one source be described. For I felt that envy not as my own, but as theirs. At given stages that the different types of envy passed through, I spoke with the spirits, but I was unable to comfort them in any way.

From all this I was able to learn in some measure what the state of the wicked will be like, specifically in regard to envy, when they see the blessedness of the upright. Many things happened that I could not retain in my memory. Nor did those spirits want them to be revealed, as is usually the case, on which account they are even permitted to snatch away the remembrance of certain matters. 1747, the 25th, 26th days of July. 1


1. Probably for August.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 166


About the time of first awakening after a troubled sleep, a most lovely vision was represented, with garlands as it were of green laurels joined in most beautiful order, in a long and double series with a distance between them, and at the same time, intertwined and mobile. The vision cannot adequately be described on account of its beauty, and on account of the affection of blessedness flowing forth thence from the harmony. This was in some measure apparent even to evil spirits. Afterwards there followed another vision still more beautiful and, as it is permitted to conjecture, most lovely, joined with heavenly felicity; but it was only somewhat obscurely visible. There were infants engaged in ineffable heavenly sports, which affected the mind in the highest degree; these things could not be clearly seen and perceived except by the angels in the inmost heavens. These things [were seen] in wakefulness. Afterwards I spoke with the spirits about those visions. They confessed that, like me, they saw the first vision clearly, but not the second, and they were most eager to see this also. Hence there arose indignation amongst them, and afterwards, by degrees, envy which I was given sensibly to perceive, so that nothing escaped me so far as it would be conducive to my instruction. Their envy was such that it not only caused them the utmost annoyance, but also a quite interior pain, solely for the reason that they had not seen this second vision clearly like the first. They were afterwards led by varieties of envy, even to grief of heart as it is called. While they were in that state I said various things about their envy: that they could be content because they had seen the first vision, and that they would have been able to see the second also, if only they had been of an upright disposition; from this also there was indignation, by which the envy increased even to such a degree that they could not afterwards bear even the recollection of the vision, without being affected with grief. I am unable to describe the varieties which followed in their order, so that the envy, and the grief thence arising, such as awaits the wicked, might be effectively demonstrated. Only the torments arising therefrom cannot be described, for I felt the envy not as mine, but as theirs. I spoke with the spirits, whom I could in no way console at the time, about the stages of the progression of the varieties of envy. Hence it can be known to some extent, in regard to envy alone, what the future state of the impious will be when they see the blessedness of the pious. Many things happened which I could not remember, nor were these spirits willing that they should be revealed, as for the most part they have been; wherefore, also, they were permitted to snatch away the remembrance of certain things. 1747, July 25-26. 2


1. Two daggers appear at this point in the text. For the significance of them, see the Preface, p. viii.

2. This vision occurred during Swedenborg's journey from Stockholm to Amsterdam commenced on 24 July, 1747. It is recorded here a month later, and seems to be added from memory.

Experientiae Spirituales 166 (original Latin 1748-1764)

166. Demonstratio effectus invidiae apud malos, sic turbae infernae, quum percipiunt felicitatem beatorum

Post somnum molestum, circa primam vigiliam repraesentabatur visio, tam amaena, cum consociatis longa et duplici serie inter se distante corollis 1

quasi laureis, viridibus, in pulcherrimo ordine, simul concatenatis, et mobilibus, ut visio non satis describi possit, ob suam pulchritudinem, et inde affectionem beatitudinis ex harmonia profluentis. Haec admodum perspicua erat, etiam spiritibus malis: successit postea alia visio adhuc pulchrior, et sicut divinare licet, amaenissima cum felicitate coelesti juncta, sed non nisi quam admodum obscure visibilis; erant infantes in ludis coelestibus, ineffabilibus, quae 2

summe afficiebant mentem, ea non potuerunt esse distincte perspicua et perceptibilia, quam angelis in intimis, haec in vigilia. Postea de visionibus istis loquutus sum cum spiritibus, qui confessi quod similiter mecum perspicue viderint primam visionem, sed non alteram, quam etiam summe concupiverunt, ut vidissent; inde indignatio apud eos orta est, postmodum per gradus invidia, quam eorum invidiam sensibiliter mihi datum erat appercipere, sic ut nihil me fugeret, quantum ad instructionem conduceret; invidia talis erat, ut apud eos non modo summam molestiam causaretur, sed etiam intimiorem dolorem, ex causa solum, quod ii non vidissent alteram hanc visionem perspicue sicut priorem: postea ducebantur per invidiae varietates, usque ut dolerent quasi eorum praecordia, ut dicitur; dum in eo statu essent, de invidia eorum varie loquutus sum, tum quod contenti esse possent, quia primam visionem viderunt, et quod etiam vidisse potuerint 3

alteram, si modo probae indolis fuissent; inde quoque indignatio, qua augebatur invidia, usque ad eum gradum, ut postea ne quidem sustinerent recordationem ejus, quin dolore afficerentur: varietates non possum describere, quae ordine procedebant, ut invidia et inde ortus dolor effective demonstraretur, qualis manet impios; cruciatus eorum inde solum nec describi possunt, nam invidiam istam non ut meam, sed ut eorum, appercepi; circa momenta progressionis varietatum invidiae, loquutus sum cum spiritibus, quos tunc nequicquam consolari potui. Inde qualis futurus status impiorum, solum quoad invidiam, dum beatitudinem piorum vident, quodammodo cognosci potuit. Contigerunt plura, quae retinere memoria non potui, spiritus isti necvoluerunt, ut ea revelarentur, sicut ut plurimum, quare iisetiam permittitur surripere quarundam rerum memoriam. 1747, die 25, 26 Juli. 4


1. The Manuscript has corrollis

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition qui substituit: "ut Arcana Coelestia 1974"

3. potius legerimus videre potuissent

4. sic Manuscript fortasse pro Aug.

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