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《灵界经历》 第1654节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1654

1654. The spirit who was with me at my left side [1648] now and then interjected a remark, saying that he did not understand their speech. His condition was then such that he could not understand, because it was inward speech. Nevertheless, he spoke from time to time, and as was his custom, scoldingly told me that I should behave kindly toward [their angels]. For it was spirits of our earth who were bringing in some matters that displeased them, and were thus annoying them. Therefore I was warned by that spirit that they should not do this. I replied that there were spirits of our earth like that, but I was not one of them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1654

1654. The spirit who was with me at my left side occasionally interposed a remark, saying, that he did not understand their speech, because it was so interior, and yet he spoke from time to time, and, according to his wont, chided me for dealing so gently with them, for they were spirits of this earth, who gave vent to certain things which were displeasing and vexatious, on which account I was appealed to to put a stop to them, but I replied to him that spirits of this character were indeed from our earth, but that I had nothing to do with them.

Experientiae Spirituales 1654 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1654. Spiritus, qui a latere sinistro apud me erat [1648], interloquebatur quandoque dicebat, quod eorum loquelam non intelligeret, erat tunc in statu, ut non posset intelligere, quia interior erat, usque tamen loquebatur per suas vices, et, ut solebat, increpabat quod cum iis modeste agerem, nam spiritus hujus telluris erant, qui inserebant quaedam, quae displicerent quibus lacessebant eos; quare monitus a spiritu isto, ne talia fierent, cui dixi, quod spiritus tales essent nostrae telluris, non ego [talis].

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