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《灵界经历》 第1665节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1665

1665. After he was released from this, arriving at my right side, he spoke with me and said that he had been like that during his life. Yet he spoke with shame, and no longer dared to look up, and therefore did not want to leave my side. He said he had been so torn apart that he thought nothing was holding together. But still he spoke respectfully, and he was sorry that he had been of that character, so he did not suffer as great a torment as others who had led that kind of promiscuous life. 1748, 23 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1665

1665. Being afterwards released, he came to my right side, and spoke with me, saying that he had been of such a character in his lifetime, but still making the acknowledgment with shame, so as scarcely to dare to look up, or to be willing to leave my side. He said he was so terribly bruised that he did not see how he could hold together, and yet he spoke modestly, and with evident tokens of penitence, in view of what his life had been, so that he did not suffer the same excruciating tortures with others who had lived that kind of lascivious life. - 1748, March 23.

Experientiae Spirituales 1665 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1665. Postquam inde solutus ad latus meum dextrum pervenit, et mecum loquutus dicens quod talis in vita fuerit, sed usque loquutus cum pudore, ut suspicere non amplius ausus esset, nec ideo voluit recedere a latere; dixit etiam quod ita laceratus esset, ut putaret nihil cohaerere, sed usque modeste loquutus, poenituitque eum, quod talis fuit, quare is nec tantum cruciatus passus est, ac alii, qui lascivam talem vitam egerant. 1748, 23 Martius.

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