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《灵界经历》 第1677节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1677

1677. These spirits were amazed when I said that these matters can be written down and then published throughout the world, and can thus by means of writing be made known to many thousands. They said that such an art is not allowed, imagining that it must be magic. But I told them that this art is known to everyone on our planet, and thus allowable, as well as necessary, because there is no one on this earth as far as I know with whom spirits speak, as on other earths, and so they cannot be corrected by that method. People on this earth do know from revelation that there is a heaven, that there are spirits and angels, that there is a life after death, yet, very few believe it because they do not speak with those in the other life.

At this they were satisfied, and 0 convinced that it was necessary for people on this earth, but not for them on their own earth, because they are taught in various ways by angels. These words, starting with the symbol 0 are their words, written down from their mouth, or their thought.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1677

1677. (The spirits in question wondered when I said that the things [seen and heard by me] were written, and could thus be published to the world, so that by the writing alone they could be made known to many thousands. They remarked that such an art was not permitted, supposing it might prove magical. But when I replied to them that such an art existed in our earth, familiar to every one, and therefore lawful; and moreover that there was a necessity for it, inasmuch as there is no one, to my knowledge, on this earth with whom spirits converse, as they do in other earths, and therefore men could not be reformed through this medium; [and when I further remarked] that though the inhabitants of our earth know from revelation that there is a heaven, that there are spirits and angels, and that there is a life after death, yet that very few believe these truths, because they have not the privilege of conversing with those in the other life, - then they were satisfied and o 1persuaded that for those in this earth such communication was necessary, but not for them in their earths, as they are instructed in various ways by angels. These things from the o 1above are their words, written down from their own mouth or thought.)


1. This character is a symbol of a circle with a dot in the center of it.

Experientiae Spirituales 1677 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1677. Mirati 1

sunt spiritus isti, cum dixerim, haec scribi, et sic vulgari posse per orbem, sic ut notum possit fieri ex sola scriptura multis millibus, dicebant, quod talis ars non concessa sit, putantes, quod magia foret, sed cum dicerem iis, quod talis ars in nostra tellure sit, unicuique nota, et sic licita, quodque necessaria, quia nullus in hac tellure, quantum scio, est, cum quo spiritus loquuntur, sicut in aliis telluribus, sic quod eo modo emendari nequeant, quodque ii in hac tellure, quidem sciant ex revelatis quod coelum sit, quod spiritus et angeli sint, quod vita post mortem sit, sed usque paucissimi id credant, quia cum iis in altera vita non loquuntur, tunc contenti sunt, et 0 persuasi quod his in hac tellure id necessarium sit, non autem illis in suamet tellure, quia instruuntur variis modis ab angelis; haec ab [signo] 0 sunt eorum verba, ab ore eorum seu ex cogitatione eorum scripta.


1. The Manuscript has Miriti

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