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《灵界经历》 第1676节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1676

1676. In addition, I was shown what form the better ones of those spirits take, namely, like that of a black cloud sprinkled with a human whiteness, having no special shape, as a cloud lit up by the sun's rays is apt to look. They said that within, they are shining white, and also that they hope to become angels, then for this black to turn into a beautiful sky blue. That color was shown to me, a shining sky blue - another evidence that they were from that region, that is, from that planet [see 519, 535, 624, 686].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1676

1676. (It was moreover shown to me what kind of form those spirits of the better class possessed, namely, that they were like a black cloud with something of white and human interspersed, destitute of any definite shape, as is usually the case with a radiated cloud. They said that they were white inwardly; then, that they hoped to become angels; then, that this black color would be turned into a beautiful azure, a specimen of which of most splendid hue was shown to me, and from the whole I concluded that they were from that region, or from that earth.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1676 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1676. Praeterea ostendebatur mihi, quali forma spiritus isti meliores sint, nempe quod sicut nubes nigra, cui candidum humanum inspersum esset, absque ulla forma, sicut nubes radiata solet esse, dicentes quod candidi intus sint; tum quod sperent se angelos fieri, tunc nigrum hoc verti in pulchre coeruleum, quod mihi ostensum, quod erat splendide coeruleum, inde quoque concludere potui, quod essent ex ea regione, seu ex ea tellure.

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