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《灵界经历》 第1688节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1688

1688. About those constituting the province of the dura mater

There were numerous spirits above me at a moderate distance overhead, over the region of the cerebrum. They were working as if by a general pulsation, at first like a alternating undulation down and up, accompanied by a mildly cool breathing on my forehead. Their motion seemed like a collective alternation, for I have sometimes experienced such motions coming from a multitude of spirits. In this case it was alternating, downward and upward, which made me think that they were not inward spirits, whose motion goes in whirls.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1688


There were a number of spirits above me at a medium distance overhead, about the region of the cerebrum, who acted by a sort of common pulsation, which was at first a reciprocal undulation, as it were, downwards and upwards with a certain cool kind of breathing upon my forehead. Their motion, as I have remarked, was a kind of reciprocal one, such as I have sometimes experienced from a multitude of spirits. From this species of up and down motion, I could infer that they were not of the more interior class, as their movement is that of gyres.

Experientiae Spirituales 1688 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1688. De iis qui constituunt provinciam durae matris

Erant plures spiritus supra me ad mediam distantiam, supra caput, regionem cerebri, qui agebant per communem quasi pulsum, primus erat quasi reciproca undulatio, deorsum et sursum, cum aspiratione quadam paulum frigida, in frontem meam, sic ut quasi communis quasi reciprocus motus eorum esset, nam tales motus a spirituum multitudine aliquoties sensi, hic reciprocus deorsum et sursum, ex quo cogitare potui, quod non interiores essent, quorum motus fit per gyros.

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