These same spirits afterwards exhibited a flaming light, quite brilliant indeed, below the left side of the chin (hak 1), and after that, below the left eye, but more dimly; then also, above the eye, a dim yet flaming light, not bright. For spirits also customarily display various kinds of lights.
1. Swedish for "chin."
1689. These same spirits afterwards exhibited a flaming light, quite resplendent, under the left side of the chin [:hak:], 1then under the left eye, but more obscurely, then above the eye, but still not clearly, notwithstanding the light was of a flaming brightness, though not white. Spirits are accustomed thus to exhibit certain kinds of lights.
1. A Swedish word for chin.
1689. Postea iidem sistebant lumen flammeum, et quidem satis luminosum sub sinistrum menti (hak {a}), postea 1
sub oculo sinistro, sed obscurius, dein supra oculum, etiam obscurum, sed usque flammeum lumen, non candidum, nam spiritus quoque certa lumina solent quoque ostendere.
1. The Manuscript has menti,