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《灵界经历》 第1691节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1691

1691. When I asked who they were, they did not want to speak. It was told that they do not speak willingly, and on being compelled to speak, they did not like to, saying that then their character would be exposed.

I realized that they were those who constitute the province of the dura mater, the general covering, or, rather, supporting layer for those substances in the brain that are spiritual and heavenly. For even though the dura mater is stretched over and therefore appears above [the brain], nevertheless it does not overlie, but underlies those substances, occupying the outward parts of the brains, while spiritual and heavenly substances occupy their inward parts.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1691

1691. When I inquired who they were, they were unwilling to speak; it was said they did not speak willingly, and when driven to it that they were still averse, saying that thus it would be detected of what quality they were. I perceived that those were of this character who constituted the province of the dura mater, which is a common integument, or rather a substratum, in the brain, of those things which are celestial and spiritual; for although the dura mater is extended over, and thus appears above, yet it is not overlaid but underlaid in respect to those things, since it comprises [tenet] the exteriors of the brain, while spiritual and celestial things [occupy] the interiors.

Experientiae Spirituales 1691 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1691. Cum quaesivi quinam essent, non loqui volebant, dicebatur quod non libenter loquantur, cumque acti ad loquendum, tunc nolebant, dicentes, quod sic detegerentur quales essent: percepi, quod tales sint, qui constituunt provinciam durae matris, quae est integumentum commune, aut potius substratum eorum in cerebro, quae sunt spiritualia et coelestia, tametsi enim dura mater superextensa est, et sic apparet supra, usque non supersternitur, sed substernitur iis, nam exteriora cerebrorum tenet, cum spiritualia et coelestia, interiora.

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