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《灵界经历》 第1692节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1692

1692. Those who constitute the province of the dura mater had been the kind of people in life who did not think at all about spiritual and heavenly matters, nor did they discuss them. They were the kind who thought nothing else exists but what is earthly, even imagining what is spiritual and heavenly to be earthly - who, because of their inward insensitivity, were unable to retain any other mental image.

However, they did not admit this, and if they had been compelled to confess what idea they had had of what is spiritual and heavenly, they would not have been able to say anything but that it was something earthly, not going more deeply into the matter. Nevertheless, like others, they attend services of Divine worship, pray and sing.

It is these who constitute the province of the dura mater; and they are not in the class of spirits, but of guardian spirits, for which reason also their motions relate to the heartbeat.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1692

1692. Those that constitute the province of the dura mater were such in the life of the body as neither thought nor spoke of spiritual things, but were such as never supposed the existence of anything but what was natural, and even considered that which is spiritual and celestial to be natural, nor was it possible for them, by reason of the crassitude of their interiors to have any other idea. Still they did not confess it; and if driven to confess what idea they had of spiritual and celestial things, they could say no otherwise than that it was a certain natural something; they went no further. At the same time they attend divine worship, and pray, and sing; [in a word,] those who constitute the province of the dura mater are not among spirits, but among genii, wherefore their motion corresponds to the pulsation of the heart.

Experientiae Spirituales 1692 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1692. Qui durae matris provinciam constituunt, fuerunt ii in vita corporis, qui nihil quidem cogitarunt de spiritualibus ac coelestibus, nec de iis loquuti sunt, sed usque tales fuerunt, ut nihil aliud putaverint esse, quam naturale, sic ut putaverint spirituale et coeleste esse naturale, nec aliam ideam, ob crassitudinem eorum interiorum, potuerunt habere; sed tamen id nec confessi, sique adacti fuissent ad confitendum, quam ideam habuissent de spiritualibus et de coelestibus, non aliter potuissent dicere, quam quod naturale quoddam esset, interius non iverunt; usque tamen sicut alii frequentant cultus Divinos, orant, et cantant, ii sunt qui provinciam durae matris constituunt, suntque non inter spiritus, sed inter genios; quare etiam ad pulsum cordis motus eorum [se referunt] 1



1. The Manuscript has ad pulsum cordis motus eorum

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