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《灵界经历》 第1693节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1693

1693. Later there were others also who caused pulsation, not down and up, but crosswise, which I was able to feel with my hand. Then others caused a pulse not so regularly but more strongly, filling my palm. There were still others whose pulsation shot from one finger to another, as if by jumps.

But these I did perceive to be outside my head, while the others were within; thus there was a variety of such spirits, but I was not so well informed as to who they were, except that they were such as speak about, and do some thinking about spiritual and heavenly matters, but only from the viewpoint of the outer senses, or outer sense experience. Anything beyond that they do not understand (they sounded to me as if they were of the female gender), and therefore those spirits make up the province of the outer skin of the head: for the more they reason from the bodily senses about spiritual and heavenly matters, the farther outward they go. 1748, 25 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1693

1693. There were afterwards others who also caused a pulsation, but not up and down, but transversely, which I was enabled to perceive by the hand. Then again there were others [who produced the same effect], not so reciprocally, but more fully, so that the pulsation filled the hollow of the hand. Others again there were whose pulsation projected itself from one finger to another, thus by leaps [subsultim]; and these were perceived above the head, while the former [operated] within, thus with variety. I was not well instructed as to who they were, unless that they are such as speak and think somewhat of spiritual and celestial things, but only from the external senses, or from the experience of these senses, understanding in fact nothing else. In hearing I had an impression as if from the female sex, wherefore these constitute the province of the external skin of the head; for the more they reason from the bodily senses respecting spiritual and celestial things, the more exterior do they become. - 1748, March 25.

Experientiae Spirituales 1693 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1693. Erant postea alii qui quoque pulsum agebant, sed non deorsum et sursum, verum transversim, quod manu dabatur mihi sentire, tum alii non ita reciproce, sed plenius, ut impleret pulsus volam; alii quorum pulsus ab uno digito in alterum se projecit, sic quasi subsultim; et quidem hi sentiebantur extra caput, cum priores intra, ita cum varietate, non bene instruebar, quinam ii essent, nisi quod ii, qui loquuntur, et qui aliquid cogitant de spiritualibus et coelestibus, sed modo ex sensibus externis seu experientia sensuum externorum, non intelligentes aliud, mihi auditi sicut ex sexu faeminino, quare ii constituunt provinciam cutis externi capitis, quo enim magis ratiocinantur ex sensibus corporis de spiritualibus et coelestibus, eo exterius vadunt. 1748, 25 Martius.

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