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《灵界经历》 第1701节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1701

1701. The quarters relate to the human body, whether it be at the level of the head or its parts, such as the forehead, the temples, the right or left eye, or the left or right side, or whether it be at the level of the shoulder blades, the chest, the abdomen, the loins, knees, feet, or soles; then also on the perpendicular overhead, such as above the forehead, the sinciput or the occiput, to the left or to the right, toward the front or toward the back-whoever appear at those points will not fail to be there as long as they are of that character. Those under the feet are in the earth of lower spirits, and again, more or less deeply, just as the former are more or less at a height.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1701

1701. The quarters exist relatively to the human body, or in the plane of the head or some of its parts, as the forehead, the temples, the right or left eye, or to the left or right side, or in the plane of the shoulder-joints, the breast, the abdomen, the loins, the knees, the feet, the soles of the feet, then also particularly above the head, and thus in like manner above the forehead, the sinciput, or the occiput, at the left or the right, forward or backwards; whatever spirits appear at these points, there is no mistake but that they will continue to appear there as long as they are of such a quality. Those who are under the feet are in the lower earth more or less deep, just as the former are more or less high.

Experientiae Spirituales 1701 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1701. Plagae se habent respective ad corpus humanum, sive in plano capitis aut ejus partis, sicut frontis, temporum, oculi dextri vel sinistri, seu ad latus sinistrum vel dextrum, sive in plano scapularum, pectoris, abdominis, lumborum, genuum, pedum, plantarum; tum quoque supra caput ad perpendiculum, et ibi similiter, supra frontem, sinciput, aut occiput, ad sinistrum aut ad dextrum, antrorsum vel retrorsum, quicunque ibi apparent, quandiu tales sunt, non fallit, quin ibi appareant; qui sub pedibus, sunt in terra inferiorum, ita similiter magis minusve profunde, sicut priores magis minusve alte.

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