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《灵界经历》 第1712节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1712

1712. Whatever flows in from the Lord flows into the whole greatest human, in different ways according to the various functions. So no spirit, or angel, is left unaffected by it, just as in the human body, there is no working of the soul that does not flow into its whole body. But the flow is not such that it goes from people on earth, who are relatively on the outside, to spirits and angels. For all inflow from without stops within set limits, and does not pervade to inward regions, inward qualities are as if outside and do not pervade to very inward regions, and so on. It is different with what is from the Lord, for this comes through the innermost and very inward regions. 1748, 26 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1712

1712. Whatever inflows from the Lord flows into the Grand Man, but with variety according to functions, so that there shall be no spirit or angel wholly free from the effect thence produced, just as in the human body there is nothing operated by the soul but it flows into its universal body. The case, however, is not the same in regard to what proceeds from men, spirits, and angels, for as they are external to each other, all influx from them is comparatively outward; it subsists within certain limits, for it does not go to interiors: interiors are without to it, nor does it reach to intimates, and so on; otherwise than with that which comes from the Lord, as this passes through intimates and inmosts. - 1748, March 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 1712 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1712. Quicquid a Domino influit, in universum hominem maximum influit, cum varietate, secundum functiones, sic ut nullus spiritus, aut angelus, expers est effectus inde, uti in corpore humano, nihil est quod operatur anima, nisi id in universum corpus ejus influat, non autem ita, quod ab hominibus, spiritibus et angelis {a}, nam iis respective sunt extra, omnis influxus ab extra, subsistit intra certos limites, nam ad interiora non vadit, interiora ut {b} extra sunt, nec ad intimiora vadunt, et sic porro, aliter quod a Domino, per intima et intimiora venit. 1748, 26 Martius.

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