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《灵界经历》 第1713节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1713

1713. Neither could the soul flow in this way into the forms of its own body, with all their varieties, and thus working in diverse ways in each individual, if it were not for the greatest Human, whose life is the Lord, and who interacts with every single part in human bodies. From it come the varieties of the common bodily components, or internal organs, and the varieties of individual forms within them, as well as the arrangement of all for the sake of uses and purposes, thus the functions of all, consequently of all and the very least things, by the Lord. 1748, 26 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1713

1713. Nor could the soul thus flow into the forms of its body according to all varieties, and operate so diversely in each single part, were there not a Grand Man, of which the Lord is the life, and which corresponds in all its minute details with human bodies. From hence exist the varieties of common forms in human bodies, or of viscera; hence the varieties of the distinct forms in the viscera; hence the ordination of everything to uses and ends; hence the functions of all things, of all and singular things from the Lord. - 1748, March 26.

Experientiae Spirituales 1713 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1713. Nec anima potest ita in formas corporis sui influere secundum omnes varietates, et ita operari in singulis diversimode, nisi maximus Homo foret, Cujus vita Dominus, qui correspondeat singulis in humanis corporibus, inde varietates formarum communium in corporibus, seu viscerum, inde varietates formarum singularum in visceribus, inde ordinatio omnium ad usus et fines, inde functiones omnium, proinde omnium {c} et singulorum a Domino. 1748, 26 Martius.

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