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《灵界经历》 第1714节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1714

1714. From it, then, is the coming into existence, and then the maintenance- which is a perpetual coming into existence-of bodies and their functions. From it is their conservation, which is a perpetual creation. From it the bodies of all animals come forth and are maintained, even of the tiniest animals. From it, all varieties of plants, which in their own way reflect a type of body like that of animate creatures; from it, because of the interactive relationships, arise the portrayals of spiritual and heavenly things by bodily and material things; from it come the agreements of the organs with their spiritual and heavenly counterparts, the organs interacting each by its own active powers or vital uses. Otherwise they would be ineffectual. 1748, 26 March.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1714

1714. Hence now also is the existence of bodies and of their operations; hence subsistence, which is perpetual existence; hence conservation, which is perpetual creation; hence the existence and subsistence of all animal bodies, even of the minutest animalculae; hence the existence and subsistence of all vegetables with their varieties, which in their own mode typically represent the bodies of living things; hence, for the sake of correspondences, the representation of spiritual and celestial thing by corporeal and material; hence the adaptation of organs to spiritual and celestial things, organs corresponding to their active potencies, to their uses of life, and apart from which no effect takes place. - 1748, March 26.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1714 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1714. Inde nunc existentia corporum et eorum operationuu, inde subsistentia, quae est perpetua existentia; inde conservatio, quae est perpetua creatio, inde existentia et subsistentia corporum omnium animalium; etiam animalculorum minimorum; inde existentia et subsistentia omnium vegetabilium cum suis varietatibus, quae suo modo, in typo, referunt corpora vivorum, inde propter correspondentias, repraesentationes spiritualium et coelestium cum corporeis, et materialibus, inde organorum convenientiae cum spiritualibus et coelestibus, organa suis potentiis activis, seu vitae usibus correspondent, alioquin nullus effectus. 1748, 26 Martius.

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