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《灵界经历》 第1737节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1737

1737. For there are people who stay with the literal meaning of the Word, and yet for various reason admit of a deeper meaning. This they do when trying to affirm their own theories or creeds, for which purpose they collect confirmatory materials from among any opinions available, including very inward ones when they fit in with their theories. Then also, when inward and very inward matters favor their ambitions, they do the same as when those matters favor their theories, but otherwise they reject them; and when they view inward and very inward matters by themselves, they shun and almost hate them and become their opponents and enemies.

It is another matter if they can claim to have originated them, as new discoveries; then they love them for the sake of their own glory and praise, even if they do not understand them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1737

1737. For there are those who abide indeed in the literal sense of the Word, but yet from various causes admit an interior sense, to wit, while they seek to establish their own theories [theses] or articles of faith, for which purpose they draw [from the Word] affirmative proofs whatever may be their opinions, and even such as are interior, which thus fall in with their theories; more especially do they do this where such interior and inmost things favor their cupidities and their opinions at the same time; otherwise all such interior and inmost things, when viewed by them simply in themselves, they disrelish and reject, holding them almost in aversion, and becoming their enemies and opposers, except so far as they can claim to have originated them as something new, for they love them in reference to their own glory and praise, though they do not understand them.

Experientiae Spirituales 1737 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1737. Sunt enim qui in literali quidem sensu Verbi manent, sed usque ex diversis causis admittunt sensum interiorem, nempe dum suas theses, seu fidei articulos affirmare volunt, inde sic affirmantia trahunt, qualescunque sint opiniones, imo sic quoque intimiora, nam conveniunt sic eorum thesibus; tum quoque quando interiora ac intimiora favent eorum cupiditatibus, similiter faciunt, ac dum illa favent eorum opinionibus; alioquin rejiciunt, et seorsim spectata ab iis interiora ac intimiora aversantur, et fere odio habent, suntque eorum oppugnatores et inimici, cum eo tamen discrimine, si 1

ab iis proficiscerentur ea, sicut nova, suaemet gloriae et laudis gratia ea amant, tametsi non intelligunt.


1. The Manuscript has se ut apparet

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