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《灵界经历》 第1754节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1754

1754. There are spirits who inspire terror

There are spirits who trust in their own powers, who are sometimes permitted to bring on different kinds of terror, and in fact, so great that no one would believe it possible that such terror could be induced. Specifically, they are permitted to portray an arm, one that appears bare, in various positions, depending on the type [of terror to be induced]. An arm like this has the effect of causing a soul or spirit such a fright that, as some admitted who had not experienced any terror in their lives, they had such a fright as could never be expressed.

Once I was also shown that arm and was struck with fright for some time, for it appeared as if able to crush the bones and marrows, and surely if permitted, it would have done so. This is really incredible, coming from the world of spirits, and yet it is true, for the fantasy of spirits has this effect.

Terrors of this kind come from self-confident spirits who think there is nothing they cannot do. But because these matters are unbelievable, they must be presented wisely, lest people think they are being told fairy tales or silly stories.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1754


(There are some self-confident spirits to whom it is permitted to induce terrors, and terrors of such a nature that no one would believe that they could be inspired. Especially it is permitted them to represent an arm apparently naked, and in various positions, according to variety [of circumstances and ends]. Of such an arm it is a peculiarity, that it impresses upon a soul or a spirit such a terror, that even those who were strangers to terror in their lifetime have confessed that they have received from this source an intimidation, which could not be expressed. The same object was once shown to me, and I was smitten with like terror, which continued for some time, for it seemed that it could have crushed the bones and the marrow; yea, if permitted, it would, however incredible, have produced that effect, because flowing from the world of spirits; still it is true, for the phantasy of spirits is competent to do it. Terrors of this kind are induced by spirits, who trust to themselves that there is nothing which they cannot do; but as these things cannot well be believed, they are to be prudently set forth, lest men should think themselves listening to fables or trash.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1754 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1754. Quod sint qui terrores incutiunt

Sunt spiritus, qui suis viribus fidunt, quibus quandoque permittitur inducere terrores, et quidem tales, ut nullus credere possit, quod tales terrores inducuntur; iis imprimis repraesentare brachium permittitur, quod brachium nudum apparet, in vario positu, secundum varietatem, tale brachium hoc secum habet, quod imprimat animae aut spiritui talem terrorem, ut fassi sint, qui nullum in vita terrorem habuerint, [quod] inde acceperint talem, ut exprimi nequeat; mihi 1

quoque semel ostensum est, cum terrore, quo eram perculsus per aliquod tempus postea, nam apparuit, sicut potuisset confringere ossa et medullas; imo si permitteretur, quoque id efficeret, quod quidem incredibile est, quia a spirituum mundo, sed usque est verum, phantasia enim spirituum, talem effectum haberet.

Terrores tales inducuntur a spiritibus, qui fidunt sibi, quod nihil non efficere possint; sed haec quia credi nequeunt, exponantur prudenter, ne homines putent fabulas seu nugas narrar 2



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2. The Manuscript has narari

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