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《灵界经历》 第1755节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1755

1755. In the world of spirits they are skilled in such magical arts, and if allowed to practice them, they would easily induce human minds to believe they were miracles on account of the effect they have on material and physical elements. From them came the magical acts of the Egyptians, and the devilish arts spoken of here and there [in the Word], the false miracles that are of the devil performed by the Egyptian magicians. So it is in many other cases, including that of the illusory visions just mentioned [1752-1753].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1755

1755. The inhabitants of the world of spirits have peculiar skill in things of this kind; and if it were permitted them to exercise such magical arts, they could easily induce the minds of men to believe that they were miracles, for these things have an effect upon material and corporeal objects. Hence were the magical practices of the Egyptians; hence the diabolical arts everywhere spoken of [in the Word]; hence false miracles which are of the devil, and which were performed by the Egyptian magicians. The same holds true of many other things, and especially of those illusory visions just mentioned above.

Experientiae Spirituales 1755 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1755. In spirituum mundo talia callent, et si liceret iis magicas tales artes exercere, facile inducerent mentibus hominum credere, quod miracula essent, nam effectum habent ea in materialia, et corporea, inde magiae Aegyptiorum, inde artes diabolicae, de quibus passim, inde miracula falsa, quae sunt diaboli, et quae fuerunt magorum Aegypti, sic in multis aliis, tum in iis, de quibus mox prius [1752-1753], de visionibus, quae sunt illusiones.

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