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《灵界经历》 第1781节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1781

1781. About those who constitute deadly intracranial ulcers of the head

There are certain spirits whose nature it is, on approaching a person, to rush within their skull, and from there into the spinal marrow, with no other intention and endeavor than to murder him or her.

Some such spirits came up to me and immediately rushed into the spinal marrow, saying at once, without the least provocation, that they would suck out the marrows, along with every vital element. And when they had attempted in vain to do this, they tarried within the skull, plotting a variety of schemes, but all in vain. They even propose to take away from the person all the faculty to understand.

I plainly felt them present within the chamber of the brain, as well as the attempts they were making, by the resulting pain. I spoke with them, and they were compelled to confess where they came from, who they were and what their nature was.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1781


There are some of such a quality, that when they approach they rush into the cranium, and thence into the spinal marrow, and intend and attempt nothing else than to kill the man. Spirits of this character flocked to me and rushed forth with into the spinal marrow, saying at once, before they were at all provoked, that they would suck up the marrow and whatever was vital; and when they attempted it in vain, they still remained within the cranium, intent upon a variety of schemes, which, however, were abortive. In such cases they intend the taking away from the man all his intellectual faculty. I perceived them manifestly in the cerebral chamber, and their attempts also from the pain thence resulting. I spoke with them, and they were compelled to confess whence, who, and of what quality they were.

Experientiae Spirituales 1781 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1781. De iis, qui constituunt ulcera lethalia capitis seu intra cranium

Sunt quidam, qui tales sunt, quod dum appellunt, irruunt intra cranium, et abinde in medullam spinalem, ac nihil aliud intendunt et conantur, quam ut interimant hominem, tales ad me alluebant, ac illico irruebant in medullam spinalem, dicentes illico, priusquam lacessiti ullatenus essent, quod exsugerent medullas, et quicquid vitale esset, cumque id incassum tentarunt, intra cranium erant, ac moliebantur multa, sed frustra, tum enim intendunt omnem intellectualem facultatem homini auferre; sensi manifeste eos in camera cerebri, et eorum conatus per dolorem inde derivatum, et cum iis loquutus sum, coactique sunt fateri unde essent, qui et quales essent.

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