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《灵界经历》 第18节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 18

18. Spirits gladly speak with people, provided the person does not ponder about their nature - and they cannot bear it if spirits coming from elsewhere speak with the person. One spirit is not aware of the presence of another. When they are not being spoken with, spirits do not know otherwise than that they are the people [they are with]. [Spirit; Speak, Speech; Nature; Person on earth]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 18

18. Spirits speak freely with man, provided the man does not reject upon their nature. They are indignant and intolerant if spirits coming from elsewhere speak with the man. One spirit is not aware of the presence of the other. When there is no speech with them, they know no otherwise than that they are men. (Homo, Loqui, Natura, Spiritus.)

Experientiae Spirituales 18 (original Latin 1748-1764)

18. Quod spiritus loquantur libenter cum homine, modo non reflectat super naturam eorum 1

: nec tolerant, quod spiritus aliunde venientes cum homine loquantur; quod unus non sciat praesentiam alterius: cum non loquela cum iis, quod non sciant aliter, quam quod homines sint, n. 18. [Spiritus]

Quod spiritus libenter loquantur cum homine, modo non reflectatur super naturam eorum. Indignantur, si spiritus aliunde venientes, cum homine loquantur. Quod unus non novit praesentiam alterius. Cum non loquela cum iis, non sciunt aliter, quam quod homines sint, n. 18. [Loqui, Loquela]

Quod [spiritus adplicati homini] libenter cum homine loquantur, modo non reflectatur super naturam eorum, n. 18. [Natura, Naturale]

Spiritus cum non loquela cum iis, non sciunt aliter, quam quod homines sint, n. 18. [Homo]


1. 1 ms. ejus

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