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《灵界经历》 第19节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 19

19. The spirits nearest by did not understand, nor do they understand today, the inward meaning of the Lord's Word, and therefore neither did the prophets of old. The secrets contained within it are expressed by means of symbolic portrayals. See Prophet. [Inward; Prophet; Word]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 19


By representations, things are expressed which contain things concealed. At this day the spirits nearest (to man) do not understand the interior sense of the Lord's Word, nor did they formerly; consequently, neither did the prophets of old understand. (Interiora, Propheta, Verbum.)

Experientiae Spirituales 19 (original Latin 1748-1764)

19. Quod Spiritus proximi non intellexerint, nec intelligant hodie, sensum interiorem Verbi Domini, proinde nec olim prophetae, n. 19.

Quod per repraesentationes exprimantur, quae abdita continent, n. 19. Vide propheta. [Interiora]

Quod per repraesentationes exprimantur, quae abdita sunt: et quod spiritus proximi non intelligant, nec intellexerint, olim, sensum interiorem Verbi Domini; proinde nec prophetae, n. 19. [Propheta]

Quod per repraesentationes exprimantur, quae abdita continent; et quod spiritus proximi non intelligant, nec intellexerint sensum interiorem Verbi Domini, proinde nec prophetae, n. 19. [Verbum]

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