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《灵界经历》 第1806节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1806

1806. The punishment of these spirits is to be thrown into a spin on the horizontal, also in many other zones of the circle, especially from the left toward the right; then they are also driven into spirals. But these motions of rolling and spinning are met with a struggle, doubling their intensity and causing much torment, which lasts for a long time, sometimes going on for several hours. This is one of the punishments of hell. In their thoughts and inward struggling they labor and resist, but nevertheless they are forcefully driven on, at the same time being afflicted with annoyance, but also pain.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1806

1806. The punishment of such is, that they are subjected to rotation, now in this direction and now in that, towards the different quarters of the circle [of the horizon], in the first place from the left to the right, being thus forced into gyratory motions. But these rollings or rotations are such as to be attended with resistance, being of a twofold kind, and attended with great torture, which continues for a long time sometimes for several hours. This is one of the infernal punishments, for their thoughts and interior efforts labor and reluctate in this manner, but still they are violently driven on, while at the same time not only uneasiness, but anguish is experienced by them.

Experientiae Spirituales 1806 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1806. Talium poena est, quod in rotationem agantur, et quidem horizontalem, tum in alias, secundum plures circuli plagas, a sinistro imprimis dextrorsum, sic quoque adiguntur in gyros; sed volutiones, et rotationes tales fiunt cum renisu, sic ut duplici modo, inde tortura magna, quae diu perstat, perstitit per aliquot horas, estque una infernalium poenarum, nam cogitationes seu interiores eorum nisus sic laborant et repugnant, et usque vi adiguntur, simul etiam incutitur, non solum molestia, sed etiam dolor.

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