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《灵界经历》 第1807节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1807

1807. Those who carry out this action, the dismemberers or punishers, were near to my head, enjoying that punishment very much and saying they did not want to stop, even if they were permitted to punish in this way for their whole life, or as they say, for all eternity. They call this their function, and I was also allowed to feel their enjoyment, so as to learn what it was like. So if they are permitted to go on, they never stop, and it is they, being severe corporal dismemberers and punishers, who constitute those functions of the infundibulum. For when those fluids stream into it, then it squeezes them out in this way between quite thick tissues. 1748, 1 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1807

1807. Those who execute such penalties, that is, the discerptors or punishers, were near me, about my head, and took great delight in inflicting the punishment, nor did they feel disposed, as they said, to desist, even though they tried with all their might, and they remarked that even if they were permitted thus to punish to eternity [the case would be the same]; they call this their function. It was given me to perceive their delight that I might know its quality, and it was evident that they would never desist if it was permitted them to continue. These are they who, like discerptors and severe castigators of the external plane, constitute such functions of the infundibulum, into which, when such things pour themselves, then they torture out such a humour. - 1748, April 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 1807 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1807. Qui talia patrant, seu discerptores, aut punitores, erant prope ad caput meum, et poena ista valde delectabantur, nec desistere velle se dicebant, si vel per totam vitam suam, ac ut dicunt, si vel in aeternum ita punire iis permitteretur, vocant id eorum functionem, delectationem eorum etiam mihi dabatur sentire, ut scirem qualis esset, quare nusquam desistunt, si iis permitterentur, suntque ii, qui sicut discerptores et castigatiores graves, seu externi, constituunt tales infundibuli functiones, in quod cum talia alluunt, tunc inter majusculas fibras ita humorem talem torquent. 1748, 1 April.

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