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《灵界经历》 第1809节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1809

1809. They begin by moving others out of the way, especially upright people, going after them in different ways, and of course not openly faulting them, because integrity defends itself. But they have many other methods and schemes, such as - because of those people's uprightness-distorting their suggestions, calling them bad, and saying they will bring bad luck, and all kinds of other ploys. I have learned this from actual experience when people of this kind were with me and were allowed to obtain some control within me.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1809

1809. They begin by removing others out of the way, especially the upright, whom they persecute in various ways, and yet not by vilifying them, as integrity defends itself, but by manifold other methods and procedures, as by taking advantage of [a patron's] simplicity to pervert his counsels, calling them evil, and attributing to him unfortunate results, and by many other means, as I learned by lively experience, since there were those about me of this quality, to whom it was given to obtain a certain degree of controlling influence over me.

Experientiae Spirituales 1809 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1809. Ii imprimis alios removent, cumprimis probos, quos variis modis persequuntur, et quidem non vituperando, quia probitas semet defendit, sed per alios perplures modos et rationes, ut propter simplicitatem, ejus consilia pervertendo, et vocando mala, ei attribuendo infortunia, ac perplura alia, sicut expertus per vivam experientiam, cum tales fuerint penes me, et iis dabatur regiminis aliquid in me capessere.

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