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《灵界经历》 第1810节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1810

1810. They are so sly that I scarcely knew at times that they were controlling me, for they worked secretly. In fact, when they were speaking among themselves, I was not allowed to hear or realize what they were saying. Others said that their plans were very wicked, beyond what any human being could ever believe. To arrive at their intended goal, they would exercise magic, with the devil's arts and help. The slaughter of upright people they considered of no account, and the dignitary under whom they were trying to wield power they despised to the point of utter contempt, and considered him unworthy.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1810

1810. Such is their subtlety that oftentimes I scarcely knew that they were swaying me, for they act in a clandestine manner, so that while they were speaking with each other it was not granted to me to hear or perceive what they said. It was said bothers that their counsels were most nefarious, and such as no one could ever believe, inasmuch as it is through magical and diabolical arts and assistance that they manage to compass their ends. The putting to death of good men they think nothing of; and the Lord, under whom they would fain exercise dominion, they despise so intensely as actually to vilify and put the grossest indignity upon Him.

Experientiae Spirituales 1810 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1810. Ita sunt subtiles, ut vix sciverim, aliquoties, quod imperarent 1

, nam clandestine agunt, imo dum inter se loquebantur, non audire aut percipere, quid loquerentur, mihi dabatur; dicebatur ab aliis, quod nefanda essent consilia eorum, et talia, ut nusquam aliquis hominum credere potuisset, sicut quod per magias, et diaboli 2

artes et opem pervenirent illuc quo intendebant, neces proborum pro nihil aestimabant, dominum {a}, sub quo imperare vellent, tantopere contemnebant, ut prorsus vilipenderent, indignumque haberent.


1. The Manuscript has imperararent

2. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition diabolicas

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