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《灵界经历》 第1820节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1820

1820. They argued with me about the Lord, saying it was strange that He does not hear prayers when they prayed, and then bring aid to those imploring it. I replied, how can they be listened to when their goal was things contrary to the welfare of the human race - because they were praying for themselves, against all, thus against the whole of humanity.

This, of course, they did not want to acknowledge, for it was on their own account, but in order to control everyone. So they could say nothing in reply, realizing that in this way heaven is closed, not opened.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1820

1820. They reasoned with me concerning the Lord, [affirming] that it was strange that He did not hear the prayers which they offered, and succor them in their supplications. I replied [by asking] how it was possible they should be heard when they had for an end such things as were contrary to the salutary state of the human race, inasmuch as they prayed [solely] for themselves against all others, thus against the whole human race, which, however, they were not willing to acknowledge, for self-regard and the love of universal rule were all in all with them, and hence they could make no reply, as they perceived that in this state heaven was shut and not opened.

Experientiae Spirituales 1820 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1820. Mecum ratiocinati sunt de Domino, quod mirum esset, quod non audiat preces, quando precati sint, et sic opituletur supplicantibus iis, respondebam, quomodo audiri possent, cum pro fine haberent talia, quae contraria sunt statui salutifero generis humani? quia precarentur pro semet, contra omnes, sic contra totum genus humanum, quod quidem agnoscere 1

non volebant, nam propter se quidem, sed ut regerent omnes, ita nihil potuerunt respondere; quia sic claudi coelum, non autem aperiri, percipiebant.


1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

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