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《灵界经历》 第1831节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1831

1831. Accordingly, human beings cannot possibly remain intact unless, in all their live aspects, they interact as a part with the grand human being. If this universal human being did not exist, that is, a more universal body with its own organs, individual bodies would never remain intact or endure. That body, or human being, constituting the universals that are in themselves organic, has its life from the Lord, and in this way humanity is ruled by the Lord. In no other way can any life, either of man, or spirit, or angel, ever be conceived. What is individual lives from the community, because it is part of it, and every least component lives from its universal realm, because it is a part of the whole.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1831

1831. Man, in like manner, could by no means subsist, unless he, as a part, should correspond similarly with the Grand Man as to all his forms of life; so unless this universal man existed, or the universal body with its organs, particulars could not subsist or consist; which body, or which man, as a universal, is in itself merely organic, having its life from the Lord, and thus man is ruled by the Lord; otherwise no life whatever, either of man, spirit, or angel, could be conceived. Whatever is particular lives from what is common, because it is a part of the common; and whatever is singular lives from its universal, for it is a part of the universal.

Experientiae Spirituales 1831 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1831. Homo similiter nequaquam subsistere potest, nisi is ut pars correspondeat similiter maximo homini, quoad omnes suas vitas; nisi universus hic homo existeret, seu universius corpus cum suis organis, nequaquam particularia subsisterent nec consisterent; quod corpus, seu qui homo, sicut universa, sunt in se solum organica, et a Domino suam vitam habent, et sic regitur homo a Domino, aliter nusquam aliqua vita hominis, aut spiritus, aut angeli concipi potest: quicquid particulare est, vivit ex communi, quia pars est communis, et quicquid singulare vivit ex suo universali, nam pars est universalis.

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