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《灵界经历》 第1838节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1838

1838. There is such a thing as rightful indignation

It is possible "to be rightfully indignant," or [in Swedish] fortryta godt, from love, as, for example, with little children or innocent people when they are annoyed. This was shown to me by means of a certain kind of spirits, who were good, but indignant that others were not present when something delightful was being received. But where those spirits come from I do not yet know. I spoke with them a little, and they are good. So I was able to find out that rightful indignation does exist. For I felt their displeasure, which they induced on my face. 1748, 5 April.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1838


It is also given to be properly indignant, or fortryta godt [i.e. to have a good grudge], which is peculiar to love, as of certain infants or innocents when they are indignant. This was shown to me through a certain class of spirits who were good, but still indignant that they did not come in for a share when something delectable was obtained by others. But whence those spirits were I do not yet know. I spoke a little with them, and they are good, whence I knew that there was such a thing as being properly indignant; for I perceived their indignation, and they induced it on my face. - 1748, April 5.

Experientiae Spirituales 1838 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1838. Quod detur indignari bene

Indignari bene, seu fortryta godt {a}, datur quoque, quod est amoris, sicut infantum quorundam, seu innocentium cum indignantur, hoc monstratum mihi est per genus quoddam spirituum, qui boni, sed indignati, quod non simul essent, dum obtinebatur quoddam aliis delectabile; sed unde illi spiritus nondum scio, loquutus paulo cum iis, et sunt boni, inde scire potui quod detur indignari boni; nam percepi indignationem eorum, et in faciem meam 1

eam indiderunt. 1748, 5 April. 2


1. The Manuscript has mea

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has Martius

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