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《灵界经历》 第1839节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1839

1839. About an enveloping spiritual field and its working on spirits

You may see elsewhere [167, 973-980] that every spirit possesses his own field of energy, so that many spirits together, or societies of spirits, form a common field. There were societies of good spirits, of angels, I believe, creating a field that I felt plainly, because I had been led into that field by the Lord. I did not understand anything of what they were thinking, but it was quite evident that it was good. But how those fields are to be understood is beyond description, because this happens by means of a general spiritual mental image, and consequently, they cannot be understood except by those who experience it.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1839


That every spirit possesses a sphere of its own activity, may be seen elsewhere; thus several spirits together, or societies of spirits, form a common sphere. There were certain societies of good spirits - angels, I think - that formed a sphere which I very plainly perceived, because I was led into it by the Lord. I had no distinct perception of their thoughts, though it was evident enough that they were good; but how such spheres are perceived, inasmuch as it is by a spiritual idea, cannot be described; nor, in fact, can it be understood, except by those who have experienced it.

Experientiae Spirituales 1839 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1839. De sphaera circumfusa spirituali et ejus operatione in spiritus

Quod quilibet spiritus sphaera suae activitatis gaudeat, vide alibi [167, 973-980], ita plures spiritus simul, seu societates spirituum formant sphaeram communem; erant societates spirituum bonorum, ut autumo, angelorum, quae formabant sphaeram, quam percipiebam manifeste, quia in eam sphaeram a Domino ductus sum; nihil percipiebam, quid cogitabant, sed quod bonum esset, id satis evidens erat, sed quomodo sphaerae tales percipientur, quia fit idea communi spirituali, non potest describi, proinde nec intelligi nisi ab iis, qui ab experientia.

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