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《灵界经历》 第1840节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1840

1840. Certain kinds of spirits were introduced into a field of this kind, which can only be described as a realm of very pure thoughts that, with my clear awareness, surrounded my mind. They were speaking with me, and they likewise were being moved by that field to speak differently than was their custom, that is, to speak in agreement with that energy field. Their speaking was more fluid than usual, and their understanding of the subjects more complete, for this is the influence of fields. It is as if they are in a more intelligent state, or aura, so to speak.

So that I would learn about this matter, spirits with now a gentler, now a harsher speech were introduced into the same field, and they too spoke differently than usual. They were moved by the field not only as to the flow of their speaking, but also as to their understanding of matters.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1840

1840. (Into such a sphere, which was nothing else than as a sphere of purer thoughts, surrounding my mind even to manifest perception, certain classes of spirits were admitted who spoke with me, and they were similarly affected by that sphere, so that they spoke in a manner that was not usual with them, to wit, in accordance with the activity of that sphere. Their discourse was more flowing [fluidior] than ordinary, and there was a more full understanding of things by them, for such is the operation [affectio] of spheres. Those [who are in them] are in a more intelligent state, or, as I may say, in a more intelligent aura; and that I might be more fully assured on this head, certain spirits of a duller and harder discourse were admitted into the same sphere, and they likewise spoke in an unwonted manner, being affected by the sphere, not only as to the flow of the speech, but as to the understanding of the subject.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1840 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1840. In talem sphaeram, quae solum erat sicut sphaera cogitationum puriorum, quae mentem meam circumdabat ad manifestam perceptionem, admissi 1

sunt quaedam spirituum genera, qui mecum loquebantur, ac ii similiter a sphaera ista ita afficiebantur, ut aliter, quam solitum iis, loquerentur, nempe activitati sphaerae istius conformiter, erat sermo eorum solito fluidior, et erat intellectus rerum ab iis plenior, nam talis est sphaerarum affectio, sunt quasi in statu seu ut ita dicam, aura intelligentiori; quod ut scirem, etiam spiritus lentioris et durioris sermonis in eandem sphaeram admissi sunt, qui similiter loquuti aliter ac solitum, afficiebantur a sphaera, non solum quoad loquelae flumen, sed etiam quoad rerum intellectum.


1. sic manuscript

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