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《灵界经历》 第1846节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1846

1846. The fact that energy fields surround people can be deduced by many considerations - even from things of nature, which are surrounded by fields without which they could never come to exist or remain intact. And it is a wonder that very learned people have not been observant in regard to fields, which nevertheless show up clearly in many areas, and certainly in the individual members of the threefold kingdom [of nature]. As a matter of fact, not the least particle exists that does not have its own field around it; and harmonizing parts make up a harmonious common field agreeing with the parts.

There are fields of all parts together, both of energy and of inertia, such as fields of heat or of cold. These are even more distinct and extensive in the spiritual and heavenly realms, very obvious to those who are spiritual and heavenly.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1846

1846. That the activities of spheres surround men may be inferred from a multitude of things, yea, even from natural things, which are encompassed by spheres, and which could neither exist nor subsist without them; and it is wonderful that the learned have not directed their thoughts to the subject of spheres, inasmuch as they are of such a nature as to manifest themselves in a variety of ways, and that, too, in every department of the threefold kingdom [mineral, vegetable, and animal]. Indeed, not even the smallest particle exists, which has not its own sphere around it, and conforming parts constitute a common sphere, itself also conforming to the parts. There are given spheres of all things, as well in respect to their activities as to their torpidities; as, for instance, spheres of heat and of cold. In things spiritual and celestial the matter is still more distinct, more extensive, and more manifest to those who are themselves spiritual and celestial.

Experientiae Spirituales 1846 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1846. Quod sphaerae activitatis 1

circumdent homines, concludi ex multis potest, imo quoque ex rebus naturalibus, quas circumdant sphaerae, sine quibus neutiquam existere et subsistere possunt; et mirum, quod eruditi non ita reflexiones suas fecerint 2

super sphaeras, quum tales sint, ut in plurimis manifeste se ostendant, et quidem in triplicis regni 3

singulis subjectis. Imo ne quidem minima particula datur, quae non suam sphaeram circum se habeat, et partes conformes, sphaeram conformem partibus communem constituunt; sphaerae dantur omnium, tam quoad activitates quam quoad torpedines, sicut sphaerae caloris et frigoris, in spiritualibus et coelestibus adhuc distinctius, extensius, et manifestius iis, qui spirituales et coelestes sunt.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition activitates

2. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has fecerit

3. The Manuscript has regnis

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