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《灵界经历》 第1847节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1847

1847. The field of the Lord, being Truth itself and Goodness itself, stretches out into the universe, embracing, encouraging, enlivening, and thus arranging all and the very least things. But this subject is too broad to be explainable in the most general way, even on countless sheets of paper. 1748, 6 April. 1


1. There follows a deleted and unfinished paragraph in the original, which reads: "From fields of antipathy, or sympathy which are many; from fields of seeds in the earth, and of roots, [also come] vegetation and growing things. . ."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1847

1847. The sphere of the Lord, which is the Truth Itself and the Good Itself, extends itself into the universe, embracing, cherishing, vivifying, and thus arranging, all and singular things. But the subject is too extensive to be treated in the most general manner, even in the compass of innumerable pages. - 1748, April 6.

(From spheres arise sympathies and antipathies, which are numerous. From spheres, too, are the vegetations and growths of seeds and roots in the earth.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1847 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1847. Sphaera Domini, quia est Ipsum Verum et Ipsum Bonum, in universum se extendit, et omnia et singula complectitur, fovet, et vivificat, ita ordinat; sed haec sunt spatiosiora, quam ut possint communissime, per innumerabiles membranas, dici. 1748, 6 April.

Ex sphaeris antipathiae, et sympathiae, quae plures sunt; ex sphaeris seminum in terris, et radicum, vegetationes et crescentiae 1


1. haec paragraphus nec absoluta nec numerata deleta esse videtur

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