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《灵界经历》 第1856节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1856

1856. Spirits who in life had taken pleasure in the Word of the Lord, and this with a real sense of enjoyment, have in the other life a certain heavenly, joyful warmth, which I was allowed to feel at the approach of their essential nature. The spirits' warmth is an outer one, to be sure, but radiating from inner qualities not yet very well seen. It actually warmed me, as the heat of summer, starting at the region of the lips and spreading over my cheeks even to my ears, and rising up to beneath my eyes. Downwards it spread onto my chest, to the midriff. The parts of the head above this area, and of the body below it, did have something of warmth from it, but not so strongly. So the area of warmth is from the mouth upward to below the eyes, and downward to the middle of the body.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1856

1856. (Spirits who in their lifetime took delight in the Word of the Lord, and who had a somewhat vivid perception of that delight, enjoy in the other life a certain celestial and pleasant heat, which it was given me to perceive by the essential approximation of kindred spirits. The heat of spirits is indeed external, but still radiating from internals not very clearly perceived. It warmed me very much, after the manner of summer heat, beginning from the region of the lips, and diffusing itself round to the cheeks, even to the ears, and ascending thence to the eyes. Below it spread itself downward over the breast, to the mid-region of the body. The higher parts of the head, and the lower parts of the body, had thence some degree of heat, but not so sensible; wherefore the true province of the heat is from the mouth upwards to just below the eyes, and downwards to the middle of the body.

Experientiae Spirituales 1856 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1856. Spiritus, qui in vita sua delectati sunt Verbo Domini, et quidem cum perceptione delectationis, in altera vita calorem quendam coelestem et jucundum habent, quem sentire mihi dabatur, per approximationem essentialem similium; calor spirituum est quidem externus, sed qui ab internis nondum ita perceptis [est] pullulans, et quidem calefaciebat me, sicut aestus vernus solet; et quidem incipiendo a regione labrorum, seque diffundendo circum in genas usque ad aures, et ascendendo usque sub oculos; versus inferiora se effundebat super pectus, ad mediam regionem; partes capitis, quae supra, et corpus, quod infra, inde quidem quoque caloris quid habebat, sed non ita sensibilis; quare provincia caloris est ab ore sursum sub oculos, et infra ad medium corpus.

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