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《灵界经历》 第1858节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1858

1858. As for those who take pleasure in the very inward contents of the Word, their warmth is a still deeper, or very inward one, which I was indeed allowed to some extent to feel; but because my sensation in those regions was dull, it could not be felt so well as it actually is. For I was told that if I should feel it, I would not be able to live in the body, for it occupies the very inward marrows. And because it is of this nature, I felt instead a bit of chill in the outer parts, but inwardly some notion of warmth. Its region is from the loins, or from the middle point between the loins, and then upward toward the chest, and the left arm, to the hand, as well as downward into the left foot.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1858

1858. Those, again, who are delighted with the inmost things of the Word, their heat is yet more interior, or inmost, which it was given me indeed to perceive, but very slightly, inasmuch as my sense, in relation to these things, is too obtuse to allow of their being perceived as they are; for it was said that if I should perceive that heat, I could not subsist in the body, as it takes possession of the inmosts of the marrow, and because such is its quality I perceived rather a slight degree of cold externally, but within I had at the same time some kind of idea of heat. Its region is from the loins, or from the middle of the body between the loins, and thence extending upwards towards the breast and the left arm to the hand, and downwards into the left foot.

Experientiae Spirituales 1858 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1858. Qui intimioribus Verbi delectantur, eorum calor adhuc interior est, seu intimior, quem quidem percipere aliquantisper mihi dabatur, sed quia sensus meus in iis obtusus erat, non ita percipi potuit, sicut est, dicebatur enim, si eum perciperem, quod non possem vivere in corpore, nam intimiora medullae tenet: et quia talis, pauxillum frigoris potius in externis percepi, at intrinsecus aliqualem ideam caloris; ejus regio est a lumbis, seu a medio inter lumbos, et sic sursum versus pectus et sinistrum brachium ad manus, et deorsum in sinistrum pedem.

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