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《灵界经历》 第1865节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1865

1865. Afterwards I asked those who were speaking with me what kind of punishments these types undergo in the other life. For now I had found out that this one had recently departed from life after having committed that kind of crime. This is what was meant by his saying that he had just come away from a person whom he had killed. So that very crime was clinging to him now, which he was obliged to make known. The other spirits certainly felt this, and they held him off, so there was some delay before they were willing to allow him to come to me.

But as for their punishments, I was told that these spirits roam in the desert, and, in fact, just as the murderers spoken of earlier do in the forests [1781-1786]; and they are not allowed to be with others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1865

1865. (I afterwards inquired of those who spoke with me what kind of punishments such persons underwent in the other life; for I am now able to know that the individual in question had recently departed from life, and soon after having perpetrated such a deed, which was indicated by the fact of his saying that he had come from the man he had killed, in consequence of which something of a murderous taint still adhered to him, which it was proper should be divulged. Of this the other spirits had a perception, wherefore there was some delay before they were willing to admit him to me, they withholding him in the meantime. But as to the punishments, it was said that such wandered about in deserts and forests, like the homicides before mentioned, and that it was not permitted them to be with others.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1865 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1865. Postea interrogavi eos, qui mecum loquebantur, quales poenas in altera vita tales subeunt; nam nunc scire possum, quod is nuper ex vita decesserit, postquam tale facinus patraverit, quod significabatur per id, quod diceret, se venisse ab homine, quem occiderit, inde simile ei nunc inhaerebat, quod sic propalare debebat; id quidem alii spiritus sentiebant, quare mora erat, antequam ii vellent eum ad me admittere, arcendo eum; verum, quod ad poenas, dictum est, quod tales in deserto errent, et quidem similiter, ac homicidae, de quibus prius [1781-1786], in sylvis, nec cum aliis esse conceditur.

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