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《灵界经历》 第1866节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1866

1866. What they eventually turn into was also shown me. Their face becomes horrible - not a face, but a withered something, having a foul color, like woody fiber, without any sign of a face. It is so extremely monstrous that one could never tell that this had been a human being, much less a face. About the cheeks there is a wooliness (mose hvit 1).

They said that these spirits eventually put on this kind of face, so that anyone would shudder at seeing them. For the way they are in society, namely, toward fellow human beings, is how they are within themselves, and so, they likewise put themselves, and their own inner qualities, to death.


1. Swedish for "white moss."

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1866

1866. (What they eventually become was shown me, namely, that their faces become loathsome, not having, in fact, the appearance of faces, but of something emaciated, of hideous hue, resembling woody fiber, having scarcely any sign of a face, and so exceedingly monstrous, that they could never be recognized as having been the faces of a man. Around the cheeks was a kind of woolly appendage (:mase hwit:). 1They at length assume, it was said, such a face that everyone is horror-struck who beholds them; for such as they are in society, or towards their fellow-creatures, such they are in themselves, so that they do deadly violence to themselves, or to their own interiors.)


1. A Swedish phrase signifying white moss.

Experientiae Spirituales 1866 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1866. Quales deveniunt mihi ostensum est, nempe quod facies eorum detestabilis, non facies, sed emarcidum quid, tetri coloris, sicut stuppa lignea, absque ullo indicio faciei, monstrosissimum, ut nusquam ab aliquo dignosci potuerit, quod fuerit homo, minus facies, lanuginosum quid, (mase hvit {a}) quasi circa genas; talem faciem induere eos tandem, dicebant, sic ut unusquisque eos horrescat, dum eos videt; nam quales sunt in societate, nempe tales contra socios, tales sunt quoque in se, sic ut semet similiter, suaque interna, internecioni dent.

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