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《灵界经历》 第1898节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1898

1898. Those very general concepts [1892-1893], or units [1894], which are the least, simplest parts of the mental images of any person on earth, any spirit or any angel, are for them vessels or receptacles, in which countlessly many higher elements are contained. These higher elements are, as just said, in people on earth and in spirits, bodily or worldly ones; in angels of the inward heaven earthly, or lower spiritual and heavenly ones; in angels of the very inward heaven, spiritual ones, and so on.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1898

1898. Those most general or unitary things which are the least elements of ideas or the simple perceptions of every man, spirit, and angel, are the recipients or receptacles, as it were, in which indefinite varieties of higher ideas are comprehended; and these, as was observed, are in men and spirits corporeal or worldly things; in the angels of the interior heaven natural or spiritual, or lower celestial things; and in the angels of the inmost heaven, things spiritual, and so on.

Experientiae Spirituales 1898 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1898. Communissima illa, seu unica, quae sunt minima idearum seu simplicia alicujus hominis, spiritus, angeli, sunt recipientia seu quasi receptacula eorum, in quibus indefinita superiora 1

comprehenduntur, [et] quae ut dictum est, sunt in hominibus et spiritibus corporea, aut mundana, in angelis interioris coeli naturalia, seu spiritualia aut coelestia inferiora 2

, in angelis intimioris coeli, sunt spiritualia, et sic porro.


1. In the Manuscript superiori imperfecte in superiora emendatum

2. The Manuscript has inferioria

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