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《灵界经历》 第1913节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1913

1913. Animals having many feet, such as insects of that type, symbolize very insane devils

When they look into any spirit in heaven, as when one is speaking, or thinking, they are given an awareness of the inward aspects of the things the spirit is thinking or speaking, so that they know at once what he or she is like. In their every thought, a certain image of them is portrayed, which is apparent in heaven, but not so much in the world of spirits, for there, they recognize only what follows from the chain of thought or speaking.

Moreover, they also learn what the spirit is like from his or her mental images or words-whether they are open, or closed, and other indications given them by the Lord for that purpose.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1913


When they inspect any spirit in heaven, as, for instance, in his speaking or thinking, it is then given them to know his interiors which speak or think, so that they immediately know his quality. In whatever thought he may be engrossed there is a certain image of him represented, which appears in heaven, but not in the world of spirits, for [there] they know only those things which flow from the series of thoughts and speech; as, moreover, also from the ideas or utterances, whether they are open or closed, and from various other indications by means of which it is given them from the Lord to know of what quality a spirit is.

Experientiae Spirituales 1913 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1913. Quod ferae multorum pedum, ut insecta talia, significent diabolos insaniores

Quum in coelo aliquem spiritum inspiciunt, ut si loquatur, vel cogitet, tunc iis datur scire interiora eorum, quae cogitat aut loquitur, ut illico sciant qualis est 1

; in qualibet ejus cogitatione, imago quaedam ejus repraesentatur, quae in coelo patet, sed in mundo spirituum non ita, nam ii solum ea quae ex cogitationum et loquelae serie fluunt, cognoscunt; ac praeterea etiam ex ideis aut vocibus, num apertae sint vel clausae, aliisque indiciis, quibus 2

a Domino eis datur scire, qualis spiritus est.


1. The Manuscript has ejus

2. The Manuscript has quae

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