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《灵界经历》 第1912节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1912

1912. But the spirits who were introducing the evil thoughts supposed that then I was not thinking anything. On this subject I often spoke with them. So even they do not like it that this is the case with them, because then they think they are losing all that is their own, and are therefore nothing. They are afraid of this, and some shrink from the thought; but the actual fact of the matter is quite different. But this subject, because it is an extensive one, will be discussed elsewhere, if the Lord deems it fitting [see 1921, 2043-2044, 2944-2946]; and if I am not mistaken, has been spoken of earlier [see 1559-1561, 1869-1870]. 1748, 9 May.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1912

1912. But the spirits who insinuated evil thoughts supposed that I had no thought at all, concerning which I often held conversation with them; wherefore they are unwilling to be of such a quality, as they suppose that would be to lose everything of their own, and thus to become nothing, which they dread and shrink from, though the fact is not so. On this subject, as it is an extended one, I shall, with the Lord's permission, speak elsewhere, and indeed, if I mistake not, I have spoken already. - 1748, May 9.

Experientiae Spirituales 1912 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1912. Sed spiritus, qui inferebant malas cogitationes, putabant, quod sic nihil cogitarem, de qua re saepe cum iis loquutum est, quare etiam ii nec volunt tales esse, quia tunc putant se amittere omne suum, ac sic nihil esse, quod timent, et quidam aversantur, sed res se aliter habet; de qua re, quia prolixum, Domino dignante, alibi [vide 1921, 2043-2044, 2944-2946]; et ni fallor, prius [vide 1559-1561, 1869-1870]. 1748, 9 Maj.

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