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《灵界经历》 第1928节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 1928

1928. One arouses spirits of the same character and feeling as oneself

That a person's states are changing day by day, every hour, even every minute, is obvious. Therefore, there are very many states of understanding, and states of feeling.

Now there is something dominant in each person, and no matter what state a person slips or comes into, there are spirits who had had the same ruling passion in their life interacting and cooperating. So they are not always the same, but many different ones, and all of them think they are the person; in my case, only that they were with me.

This is the fact of the matter, as I was assured today by experience, when I was observing the changes of state and also the speaking of the spirits interacting with me. I spoke with them, and they admitted that it was they, indignant that they were of that character, for now they were recognizing themselves.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 1928


(It appears that a man's states undergo changes not only every day but every hour, and, in fact, every moment; wherefore, there are many states of understanding and states of affection, besides which there is, in every man, something which predominates. Into whatever state a man passes or comes, correspond and co-operate; thus not the same [always] but a succession; and these all think themselves to be the man; but as to myself, that they are [merely] present with me. That such is the fact, it was given me today to know by experience, as I observed the changes of state, and at the same time the utterances of the spirits, which corresponded [with those changing states]. I spoke with these spirits, who confessed their identity, and were indignant at being such, for they thus recognized themselves.)

Experientiae Spirituales 1928 (original Latin 1748-1764)

1928. Quod ab homine excitentur spiritus similis qualitatis et affectionis, in qua homo est

Quod status hominis mutentur indies, qualibet hora, imo quovis minuto, constat; quare perplures sunt status intellectus et status affectionis; praeter quod in quovis homine dominetur aliquid; in quemcunque statum homo labitur vel venit, spiritus, apud quos talis passio dominans in vita eorum fuit, correspondent, et cooperantur, sic non iidem {a}, sed perplures, et omnes ii putant se esse hominem, apud me quod essent praesentes; quod ita se res habeat per experientiam hodie datum est scire, cum observarem status mutationes, et simul loquelas spirituum, qui corresponderunt, cum quibus loquutus sum, qui fassi quod ii fuerint, et indignati, quod tales, nam sic agnoscebant se.

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